Source code for distopia.mapping.voronoi

Voronoi Mapping
from scipy.spatial import Voronoi
from distopia.district import District
from distopia.precinct import Precinct
from distopia.mapping._voronoi import \
    PolygonCollider, get_region_vertices, locate_region
import numpy as np
from collections import defaultdict
import logging
from threading import Thread, Lock
    from queue import Queue
except ImportError:
    from Queue import Queue

__all__ = ('VoronoiMapping', )

[docs]class VoronoiMapping(object): """Uses the Voronoi algorithm to assign precincts to districts. """ sites = [] """A list of tuples describing the ``x``, ``y`` coordinates of each of the objects placed by the user at that location. """ precincts = [] """A list of all the :class:`distopia.precinct.Precinct` instances. """ districts = [] """A list of all current :class:`distopia.district.District` instances. """ screen_size = (1920, 1080) """The size of the screen, in pixels, on which the districts and precincts are drawn, and on which the fiducials are drawn. It's ``(width, height)`` """ fiducial_locations = {} """dict of tuples, each containing the ``(x, y)`` coordinates of the fiducial at that key. """ fiducial_ids = {} pixel_district_map = None """A width by height matrix, where each item is the district index in :attr:`districts` it belongs to. Read_only (used by the thread). """ pixel_precinct_map = None precinct_indices = [] _fiducial_count = 0 _thread = None _thread_queue = None thread_lock = None verify_adjacency = True def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(VoronoiMapping, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.sites = [] self.precincts = [] self.districts = [] self.fiducial_locations = {} self.fiducial_ids = {} self.thread_lock = Lock() self._thread_queue = Queue() def start_processing_thread(self): self._thread = thread = Thread( target=self.voronoi_thread_function) thread.start()
[docs] def apply_voronoi(self): """Not thread safe.""" fiducials = dict(self.fiducial_locations) fiducial_ids = dict(self.fiducial_ids) if len(fiducials) <= 3: return [] fiducial_keys = list(fiducials.keys()) fiducial_pos = [fiducials[key] for key in fiducial_keys] fiducial_identity = [fiducial_ids[key] for key in fiducial_keys] unique_ids = list(sorted(set(fiducial_identity))) # get first fid pos for that district ids_fiducial_pos = [ fiducial_pos[fiducial_identity.index(id_)] for id_ in unique_ids] pixel_district_map = self.compute_district_pixels( np.asarray(fiducial_pos), fiducial_identity, unique_ids) precinct_assignment = self.assign_precincts_to_districts( len(unique_ids), pixel_district_map) districts, error = self.create_districts_from_assignment( precinct_assignment, unique_ids) if error: return [] self.set_districts_boundary( districts, precinct_assignment, ids_fiducial_pos) self.districts = districts self.pixel_district_map = pixel_district_map for district, precincts in zip(districts, precinct_assignment): district.assign_precincts(precincts) return districts
def post_thread_computation_callback( self, districts, precinct_assignment, pixel_district_map): self.districts = districts self.pixel_district_map = pixel_district_map for district, precincts in zip(districts, precinct_assignment): district.assign_precincts(precincts) def voronoi_thread_function(self): # this thread never modifies any properties of existing precincts or # districts to prevent thread safety issues. queue = self._thread_queue lock = self.thread_lock post_callback = self.post_thread_computation_callback while True: item = queue.get(block=True) if item == 'eof': return callback, callback_if_old, fiducials, fiducial_ids = item if fiducials is None: with lock: fiducials = dict(self.fiducial_locations) fiducial_ids = dict(self.fiducial_ids) if len(fiducials) <= 3: callback([], [], []) continue fiducial_keys = list(fiducials.keys()) fiducial_pos = [fiducials[key] for key in fiducial_keys] fiducial_identity = [fiducial_ids[key] for key in fiducial_keys] unique_ids = list(sorted(set(fiducial_identity))) # get first fid pos for that district ids_fiducial_pos = [ fiducial_pos[fiducial_identity.index(id_)] for id_ in unique_ids] try: pixel_district_map = self.compute_district_pixels( np.asarray(fiducial_pos), fiducial_identity, unique_ids) if not callback_if_old and queue.qsize(): continue precinct_assignment = self.assign_precincts_to_districts( len(unique_ids), pixel_district_map) if not callback_if_old and queue.qsize(): continue districts, error = self.create_districts_from_assignment( precinct_assignment, unique_ids) if error: if callback_if_old or not queue.qsize(): callback(districts, [], [], error) continue self.set_districts_boundary( districts, precinct_assignment, ids_fiducial_pos) except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) callback([], [], []) continue qsize = queue.qsize() if not callback_if_old and qsize: continue callback( districts, fiducial_identity, fiducial_pos, [], post_callback, (districts, precinct_assignment, pixel_district_map), bool(qsize)) def stop_thread(self): if self._thread is not None: self._thread_queue.put('eof') self._thread.join() self._thread = None def request_reassignment( self, callback, ignore_if_scheduled=True, callback_if_old=False, current_fiducials=False): if ignore_if_scheduled and self._thread_queue.qsize(): return fiducials = fiducial_ids = None if current_fiducials: fiducials = dict(self.fiducial_locations) fiducial_ids = dict(self.fiducial_ids) self._thread_queue.put( (callback, callback_if_old, fiducials, fiducial_ids))
[docs] def set_precincts(self, precincts): """Adds the precincts to be used by the mapping. Must be called only (or every time) after :attr:`screen_size` is set. :param precincts: List of :class:`distopia.precinct.Precinct` instances. """ w, h = self.screen_size precincts = self.precincts = list(precincts) if len(precincts) < 2 ** 8 - 1: dtype = np.uint8 elif len(precincts) < 2 ** 16 - 1: dtype = np.uint16 else: raise ValueError('Too many precincts') self.pixel_precinct_map = pixel_precinct_map = np.ones( (w, h), dtype=dtype) * np.iinfo(dtype).max precinct_indices = self.precinct_indices = [] for i, precinct in enumerate(precincts): collider = precinct.collider = PolygonCollider( points=precinct.boundary, cache=True, rect=(0, 0, w, h)) collider.mark_pixels(pixel_precinct_map, w, h, i) x1, y1, x2, y2 = collider.bounding_box() precinct_values = np.zeros( (x2 - x1 + 1, y2 - y1 + 1), dtype=np.uint8) precinct_indices.append((x1, y1, x2 + 1, y2 + 1, precinct_values)) for x, y in collider.get_inside_points(): if 0 <= x < w and 0 <= y < h: precinct_values[x - x1, y - y1] = 1 # islands = [] # for i,row in enumerate(pixel_precinct_map): # for j,col in enumerate(row): # if self.check_pixel_hole(pixel_precinct_map,i,j): # # islands.append((i,j)) # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plt.imshow(self.pixel_precinct_map) # self.fill_holes(pixel_precinct_map)
# plt.imshow(self.pixel_precinct_map) # def fill_holes(self, pixel_map): hole_limit = 35 # how wide a hole can be before we declare it over for row in pixel_map.T: # iterate the 1920-length way start = -1 hole_start = -1 for i,pixel in enumerate(row): if start < 0: if pixel < 255: start = i else: # if we've started into the state, and it is empty if pixel == 255: # if this is the start of a hole, then set hole_start if hole_start < 0: hole_start = i # if we've started the hole and it's too big, end the row elif i - hole_start > hole_limit: print("ending") # skip the rest of the row break # otherwise, we are in the middle of the hole, so do nothing # now if it's not empty else: # if we are coming from an empty, then fill and reset hole_start if hole_start > 0: print(f"filling hole with {pixel}") row[hole_start:i] = pixel hole_start = -1 # otherwise, do nothing def check_pixel_hole(self, pixel_map,px,py): # check if the pixel is empty but all bordering pixels are filled # i'm going to ignore the border of the map for convenience w,h = pixel_map.shape empty_neighbors = 0 if px <= 0 or px >= w-1 or py <= 0 or py >= h-1: return False if pixel_map[px,py] < 255: # if the pixel is not empty, it is not a hole return False # now trace around the pixel, checking how many neighbors are not empty (< 255) # if it is an empty pixel surrounded by filled pixels, it is a hole py += 1 # top if pixel_map[px,py] == 255: empty_neighbors += 1# return False px += 1 # top right if pixel_map[px,py] == 255: empty_neighbors += 1# return False py -= 1 # right if pixel_map[px,py] == 255: empty_neighbors += 1# return False py -= 1 # bot right if pixel_map[px,py] == 255: empty_neighbors += 1# return False px -= 1 # bot if pixel_map[px,py] == 255: empty_neighbors += 1# return False px -= 1 #bot left if pixel_map[px,py] == 255: empty_neighbors += 1# return False py += 1 # left if pixel_map[px,py] == 255: empty_neighbors += 1# return False py += 1 # top left if pixel_map[px,py] == 255: empty_neighbors += 1# return False # if none of the neighbors are empty, then it's a hole if empty_neighbors < 2: return True else: return False
[docs] def add_fiducial(self, location, identity): """Adds a new fiducial at ``location``. :param location: The fiducial location ``(x, y)``. :return: The (assigned) ID of the fiducial. """ i = self._fiducial_count self._fiducial_count += 1 x, y = location w, h = self.screen_size x = min(max(x, 0), w - 1) y = min(max(y, 0), h - 1) with self.thread_lock: self.fiducial_locations[i] = x, y # queue safe self.fiducial_ids[i] = identity return i
[docs] def move_fiducial(self, fiducial, location): """Moves ``fiducial`` from its previous location to a new location. :param fiducial: ``fiducial`` ID as returned by :meth:`add_fiducial`. :param location: The new fiducial location ``(x, y)``. """ x, y = location w, h = self.screen_size x = min(max(x, 0), w - 1) y = min(max(y, 0), h - 1) self.fiducial_locations[fiducial] = x, y # queue safe
[docs] def remove_fiducial(self, fiducial): """Removes ``fiducial`` from the diagram. :param fiducial: ``fiducial`` ID as returned by :meth:`add_fiducial`. """ with self.thread_lock: del self.fiducial_locations[fiducial] del self.fiducial_ids[fiducial]
[docs] def get_fiducials(self): """Returns a dict of the fiducials, keys are their ID. """ return self.fiducial_locations
def get_fiducial_ids(self): return self.fiducial_ids
[docs] def get_pos_district(self, pos): """The district under the fiducial. :param pos: position. :return: The district under the position, or None if none. """ x, y = map(int, pos) d_i = self.pixel_district_map[x, y] p_i = self.pixel_precinct_map[x, y] if p_i == np.iinfo(self.pixel_precinct_map.dtype).max: return None return self.districts[d_i]
def create_districts_from_assignment( self, precinct_assignment, unique_ids): districts = [] for i in range(len(precinct_assignment)): district = District() = str(unique_ids[i]) district.identity = unique_ids[i] districts.append(district) district_map = {} for i, precincts in enumerate(precinct_assignment): for precinct in precincts: district_map[precinct] = i if not self.verify_adjacency: return districts, [] disconnected = [] for precincts in precinct_assignment: if len(precincts) <= 1: continue disconnected = Precinct.find_disconnected_precincts( precincts, district_map) if disconnected: break return districts, disconnected def set_districts_boundary( self, districts, precinct_assignment, ids_fiducial_pos): pixel_precinct_map = self.pixel_precinct_map for district, precincts, pos in zip( districts, precinct_assignment, ids_fiducial_pos): regions = {p.identity for p in precincts} if not precincts: continue x, y = pos = list(map(int, map(round, pos))) if pixel_precinct_map[x, y] not in regions: start_pos = precincts[0].boundary[:2] start_pos = list(map(int, map(round, start_pos))) pos = locate_region( pixel_precinct_map, *self.screen_size, precincts[0].identity, *start_pos) vertices = get_region_vertices( pixel_precinct_map, *self.screen_size, regions, *pos) district.boundary = vertices district.collider = PolygonCollider(points=vertices, cache=False) if district.collider.get_area() < 20: print("Boundary is not right") #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() raise ValueError('Boundary is not right!')
[docs] def assign_precincts_to_districts(self, n_districts, pixel_district_map): """Uses the pre-computed precinct and district maps and assigns all the precincts to districts. Returns list of precincts, per district. Indices correspond with the district identity index in `unique_ids` as filled into pixel_district_map. """ precincts = self.precincts precinct_assignment = [[] for _ in range(n_districts)] bins = np.empty((n_districts, ), dtype=np.uint64) for i, (precinct, (x0, y0, x1, y1, mask)) in enumerate( zip(precincts, self.precinct_indices)): bins[:] = 0 district_i = precinct.collider.get_arg_max_count( pixel_district_map[x0:x1, y0:y1], mask, bins, n_districts, x1 - x0, y1 - y0, 2 ** 8 - 1) if district_i == 2 ** 8 - 1: print('Got precinct under no district', precinct.identity) continue precinct_assignment[district_i].append(precinct) return precinct_assignment
[docs] def compute_district_pixels( self, fiducials, fiducials_identity, unique_ids): """Computes the assignment of pixels to districts and creates the associated districts. fiducials and fiducials_identity must be sorted such that they correspond to each other. All ids must be in unique ids. pixel_district_map is filled in with the index of the district identity in unique_ids to make it 0-n-1. """ vor = Voronoi(fiducials) regions, vertices = self.voronoi_finite_polygons_2d(vor) assert len(regions) <= 2 ** 8 - 2 w, h = self.screen_size pixel_district_map = np.ones((w, h), dtype=np.uint8) * (2 ** 8 - 1) for i, region_indices in enumerate(regions): poly = list(map(float, vertices[region_indices].reshape((-1, )))) collider = PolygonCollider( points=poly, cache=True, rect=(0, 0, w, h)) idx = unique_ids.index(fiducials_identity[i]) collider.mark_pixels(pixel_district_map, w, h, idx) return pixel_district_map
[docs] def voronoi_finite_polygons_2d(self, vor): """ Reconstruct infinite voronoi regions in a 2D diagram to finite regions. based on Parameters ---------- vor : Voronoi Input diagram Returns ------- regions : list of tuples Indices of vertices in each revised Voronoi regions. vertices : list of tuples Coordinates for revised Voronoi vertices. Same as coordinates of input vertices, with 'points at infinity' appended to the end. """ new_regions = [] orig_vertices = vor.vertices.tolist() new_vertices = list(orig_vertices) # list of tuple of indices in orig_vertices, each describing a ridge # made by a pair of returned vertices ridge_vertices = vor.ridge_vertices # list of tuples, each two indices in points. They describe a ridge # perpendicular to their line ridge_points = vor.ridge_points assert len(ridge_vertices) == len(ridge_points) # list of tuple, each a point passed by the user points = vor.points # for each point in points, it's the index in regions that contains it point_region = vor.point_region assert len(points) == len(point_region) # list of lists, each is indices in orig_vertices making the polygon regions = vor.regions assert len(points) == len([r for r in regions if r]) center = vor.points.mean(axis=0) w, h = self.screen_size radius = 100 * max(w, h) # Construct a map containing all ridges for a given point # for every point it lists all counter points and vertices between them all_ridges = defaultdict(list) for (p1, p2), (v1, v2) in zip(ridge_points, ridge_vertices): # points p1, p2 will have the same vertices between them all_ridges[p1].append((p1, p2, v1, v2)) all_ridges[p2].append((p1, p2, v1, v2)) # compute the polygons for each region for p1, region in enumerate(point_region): # The region polygon. First get all vertices for the region within # the screen region_vertices = [] for v in regions[region]: # skip infinite vertices if v < 0: continue # skip vertices outside the screen # x, y = orig_vertices[v] # if not (0 <= x <= w - 1 and 0 <= y <= h - 1): # continue region_vertices.append( [(None, None), None, v, orig_vertices[v]]) # all the ridges that make the region for p1_, p2_, v1, v2 in all_ridges[p1]: # if the second point of the ridge is infinite, # one and only one of the vertex indices will be -1 if v2 < 0: v1, v2 = v2, v1 if v1 >= 0: assert v2 >= 0 # x1, y1 = orig_vertices[v1] # x2, y2 = orig_vertices[v2] # # # assume that if a vertex is outside the screen, # # the other vertex must be on the other side of the p1-p2 # # perpendicular # if not (0 <= x1 <= w - 1 and 0 <= y1 <= h - 1): # region_vertices.append( # [[x2, y2], [x1 - x2, y1 - y2], None, [x1, y1]]) # if not (0 <= x2 <= w - 1 and 0 <= y2 <= h - 1): # region_vertices.append( # [[x1, y1], [x2 - x1, y2 - y1], None, [x2, y2]]) continue # assume that if there's an infinite point, the pair will be # within the screen boundary assert v2 >= 0 # Compute the missing endpoint of an infinite ridge t = vor.points[p2_] - vor.points[p1_] # tangent t /= np.linalg.norm(t) # normal, facing to the left of the line between p1 - p2 n = np.array([-t[1], t[0]]) # find midpoint between the two points midpoint = vor.points[[p1_, p2_]].mean(axis=0) # find whether the normal points in the same direction as the # line made by the center of the voronoi points with midpoint. # If it faces the opposite direction, reorient to face from # the center to midpoint direction (i.e. away from the center) # It will be the same for p1, and p2 when we encounter each # this ensures that we get the same far point for each direction = np.sign( - center, n)) * n # add a point very far from the last point far_point = orig_vertices[v2] + direction * radius region_vertices.append( [orig_vertices[v2], direction, None, far_point]) # for (x1, y1), direction, v, (x2, y2) in temp_vertices: # if v is not None: # assert x2 >= 0 and y2 >= 0 # finish vs = np.asarray([v[3] for v in region_vertices]) c = vs.mean(axis=0) angles = np.arctan2(vs[:, 1] - c[1], vs[:, 0] - c[0]) region_vertices = [region_vertices[i] for i in np.argsort(angles)] region_verts_i = [] for i, item in enumerate(region_vertices): if item[1] is None: region_verts_i.append(item[2]) else: region_verts_i.append(len(new_vertices)) new_vertices.append(item[3]) new_regions.append(region_verts_i) # region is sorted according to points order new_vertices = np.asarray(new_vertices) return new_regions, new_vertices