Source code for distopia.district


:class:`District` defines a district and and the precincts it contains.

__all__ = ('District', )

[docs]class District(object): """ Describes a district, its precincts and its metrics. """ name = '' """A globally unique name (or number) describing the district. """ identity = 0 """The id of the district. """ boundary = [] """A list of the ``x``, ``y`` coordinates of the polygon that describes the district's boundary. """ neighbours = [] """List of other :class:`District`'s that are on the boundary of this district. """ precincts = [] """List of :class:`~distopia.precinct.Precinct` instances that are currently contained within this district. """ metrics = {} """A mapping from :attr:`` to the :class:`~distopia.district.metrics.DistrictMetric` instance that contains the summery metric data for this district. """ collider = None def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(District, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.clear()
[docs] def clear(self): """Clears all the existing precincts from the district. """ for precinct in self.precincts: precinct.district = None self.neighbours = [] self.precincts = [] self.metrics = {}
[docs] def assign_precincts(self, precincts): """Adds the precincts to the district. :param precincts: Iterable of :class:`~distopia.precinct.Precinct` instances. """ self.precincts = list(precincts) for precinct in precincts: precinct.district = self
[docs] def add_precinct(self, precinct): """Adds a precinct to the district. :param precinct: :class:`~distopia.precinct.Precinct` instance. """ precinct.district = self self.precincts.append(precinct)
def compute_metrics(self): for metric in self.metrics.values(): metric.compute() def __repr__(self): return '<name={}, id={}, n_precincts={}, '\ 'n_metrics={}>'.format(, self.identity, len(self.precincts), len(self.metrics))